

A control that allows the user to toggle between checked and not checked.

Save my login details for next time.

Source Code

Copy the following code into your project.

  <div :class="cn('flex gap-3', !hasDescription && 'items-center')">
      :class="cn(variants({ size, type }))"
    <div v-if="hasLabel || hasDescription" class="flex flex-col gap-px">
      <slot name="label">
          :class="cn('cursor-pointer font-medium leading-none', size === 'sm' && 'text-sm')"
          >{{ label }}</label
      <slot name="description">
        <p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground" v-if="description">{{ description }}</p>

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";

  const variants = cva(
    "form-checkbox cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-transparent transition focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-background",
      variants: {
        type: {
          muted: "border-input text-gray-800 focus:ring-muted",
          primary: "border-primary/50 text-primary dark:text-border focus:ring-primary/30",
          success: "border-success/50 text-success focus:ring-success/30",
          error: "border-destructive/50 text-destructive focus:ring-destructive/30",
          warning: "border-warning/50 text-warning focus:ring-warning/30",
          info: "border-info/50 text-info focus:ring-info/30",
        size: {
          sm: "h-4 w-4 rounded",
          md: "h-[20px] w-[20px]",
          lg: "h-[26px] w-[26px]",
      defaultVariants: {
        size: "md",
        type: "muted",

  type Props = VariantProps<typeof variants>;

  defineOptions({ inheritAttrs: false });

  const props = withDefaults(
       * The value of the checkbox
      value?: any;
       * v-model binding
      modelValue?: any;
       * The name of the checkbox
      name?: string;
       * The label of the checkbox
      label?: string;
       * The description of the checkbox
      description?: string;
       * The size of the checkbox
      size?: Props["size"];
       * The type of the checkbox
      type?: Props["type"];
       * The id of the checkbox
      id?: any;
       * Checked state of the checkbox
      checked?: boolean;
    { size: "md", type: "muted" }

  const slots = useSlots();

  // Get the ID for the input element
  const inputId = computed(
    () => || `checkbox-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9)}`

  // check if a label or description is provided
  const hasLabel = computed(() => props.label || slots.label);
  const hasDescription = computed(() => props.description || slots.description);

  const emit = defineEmits<{
    "update:modelValue": [any];

  const isChecked = computed({
    get() {
      return props.modelValue;
    set(value) {
      emit("update:modelValue", value);


