Displays a form textarea or a component that looks like a textarea.
This is a hint
Source Code
Copy the following code into your project. Modify it to your liking
<div class="w-full">
<slot :errorMessage="errorMessage" :value="localValue" name="label">
:class="[disabled ? 'text-muted-foreground' : '', errorMessage ? 'text-destructive' : '']"
>{{ label }} <span v-if="required" class="text-destructive">*</span></UILabel
<div class="relative">
:class="cn(variants({ class: props.class }), icon && 'pl-9', trailingIcon && 'pr-10')"
@blur="emit('blur', ($ as any).value)"
@change="emit('change', ($ as any).value)"
@input="emit('input', ($ as any).value)"
<slot :errorMessage="errorMessage" :value="localValue" name="icon">
<div v-if="icon" class="absolute left-3 top-2.5 flex items-center justify-center">
<Icon :name="icon" class="text-muted-foreground/70" size="18" />
<slot :errorMessage="errorMessage" :value="localValue" name="trailingIcon">
<div v-if="trailingIcon" class="absolute right-3 top-2.5 flex items-center justify-center">
<Icon :name="trailingIcon" class="text-muted-foreground/70" size="18" />
<slot :errorMessage="errorMessage" :value="localValue" name="hint">
<TransitionSlide :offset="[0, -10]">
<p class="mt-1.5 text-xs text-muted-foreground" v-if="hint && !errorMessage">
{{ hint }}
<p v-if="errorMessage" class="mt-1.5 text-xs text-destructive">
<TransitionSlide :offset="[0, -10]">
<span v-if="errorMessage">
{{ errorMessage }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { cva } from "class-variance-authority";
const variants = cva(
"form-textarea block px-3 py-2 min-h-[80px] w-full border-input sm:text-sm transition placeholder:text-muted-foreground focus:outline-none bg-transparent rounded-md focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-background focus:ring-ring focus:border-input disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-60"
const props = defineProps<{
* State if the value is required
required?: boolean;
* The label for the input
label?: string;
* The ID of the input
id?: string;
* The name of the input
name?: string;
* Whether the input is disabled
disabled?: boolean;
* The placeholder for the input
placeholder?: string;
* The hint for the input
hint?: string;
* The icon for the input
icon?: string;
* The trailing icon for the input
trailingIcon?: string;
* The model value for the input
modelValue?: any;
* The error message for the input
errorMessage?: string;
* Custom class to pas to the input
class?: any;
// Get the id of the input from the label or name
const inputId = computed(
() => || `textarea-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9)}`
const emit = defineEmits<{
"update:modelValue": [any];
change: [any];
blur: [any];
input: [any];
const localValue = computed({
get() {
return props.modelValue;
set(v) {
emit("update:modelValue", v);
Error Message
 This field is required
Table of contents